
Matzah Ball Soup 2


Matzah Ball Soup

When you’re feeling a little under the weather, nothing seems as right as Chicken Noodle Soup, right? Well… we may agree with you, but our hearts always want some Matzah Ball Soup. The base remains the same –your favorite chicken stock, but we’re upgrading the noodles to Matzah. The creamy and hearty texture fills the belly and brings back childhood memories. Now, we’re not saying to shut out your favorite for ours, we’re just saying to give ours a try! Enjoy!


0.5 cups matzah meal

2 tablespoons schmaltz or vegetable oil

2 eggs

2 tablespoons sparkling water

2 tablespoons parsley chopped fine

1 teaspoon salt

Pinch of pepper


1. whip eggs, oil, sparkling water, parsley, salt, and pepper together until smooth

2. add matzah meal and mix until well mixed, let stand for 20 minutes

3. bring a pot of water to a boil 

4. using oiled hands divide the dough into six even balls and place in the pot of boiling water, simmer for 20-30 minutes


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